
Weekly News

Weekly News

Monadhliath Peat Action update

Whilst snow has been a constant source of difficulty over the last couple of months we have been nevertheless able to continue with restoration work across the Monadhliath on many sites.  The peatland restoration target for this season is ~ 1,500ha and we are now well on the way to delivering this.  That said, we can’t say how the weather will pan out in the next 2 months so watch…
January 7, 2020
Weekly News

Forest-to-bog trial sites re-visited

We re-sampled all our SPR peatland restoration trial sites this month to assess the response in terms of water table and vegetation.  Both the trial looking at wave damming methods and the trials on forest-to-bog show really positive responses following several years of growth.  Really exciting to see a long program of complex field science delivering such robust and clear results.
December 15, 2019
Weekly News

IUCN Commission of Enquiry

We’ve been co-authoring a chapter in an upcoming publication for the IUCN with our client partner ScottishPower Renewables (SPR).  The topic of the chapter is Forest-to-Bog peatland restoration, a subject which we have been researching in depth since 2004 on behalf of our client in Lanarkshire.  The trials work has been undertaken at Black Law and Whitelee windfarms, and in recent years has shown that massive improvements in peatland condition…
November 24, 2019