
Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures

Quantifying rates of peatland erosion

One of our current study sites is located at very high altitude in the Highlands on an eroding blanket bog. A key aim has been to quantify surface erosion rates arising due to weathering, to help develop a better understanding of the factors limiting recolonisation of plants on bare peat. We have recently installed a range of instruments to measure fluxes on the site, which has been interesting as we…
August 10, 2014
Facts & Figures

Patterns of DOC production in a peatland catchment

One of our longer-term projects involves measuring spatio-temporal variation in the production of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in a peatland catchment in the west of Scotland. We have an auto-sampler set up in a watercourse, and samples also being obtained from a number of paired experimental blocks. One half of each block has had a novel restoration treatment applied to it, and the project aims to assess the impact of…
July 28, 2014
Facts & Figures

Historic rates of peatland erosion & recovery

One of the projects we are currently working on involves assessing historic rates of peatland erosion and recovery.  One of the techniques we use to look at this is comparing contemporary and historic imagery.   The older imagery comes from RCAHMS in Edinburgh, and goes as far back as the 1940’s – the RAF were heavily involved in gathering air photos for a number of decades after the war ended.  Over…
April 5, 2014